Business Ideas

Four More Key Benefits of VOIP to Businesses

As the technology has matured, more and more companies have seen the benefits that VoIP can offer them in terms of their business communications. Often, saving money is the prime motivator for companies to adopt VoIP, but having taken the plunge they find that there are many advantages to be had beyond the bottom line. Let’s take a look at some more of them.


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Home sweet home work

In today’s competitive jobs market, for companies to successfully recruit and retain good staff they often need to adopt more flexible working practices. Record numbers of people in the UK now work from home, freeing them from the drudgery of the daily commute and allowing them to fit their work around family commitments. For this to work successfully communication is key; using VoIP allows you to easily forward calls to an employee’s home on the days when they are not in the office. It also allows them to make calls from their business number wherever they are located.

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Never miss a call

Every time a call goes unanswered it’s frustrating for the customer, but also means potential lost revenue for the business. The flexibility of VoIP means you can greatly reduce the number of calls that you miss. Redirection can be used to switch calls to another team when one is busy, keeping your customers happy and making your staff more productive and less stressed.

Cut costs not corners

Saving money is, of course, one of the main reasons businesses look to VoIP in the first place. Not only are call costs lower, but you eliminate the need to rent expensive ISDN lines to link to the telephone network. If you have customers or suppliers in other countries, and call overseas regularly to keep in touch with them, switching to an international VoIP wholesale provider, someone like, can help to significantly bring down your communications bill. What’s more you won’t have to compromise on call quality.

Take back control

Running a business successfully is all about understanding what’s going on. If you don’t know what’s happening, you will struggle to remain in control. VoIP systems offer unrivalled levels of reporting. You can see how many calls are being made and from which numbers, how long calls take to be answered, how long they last, and more.