
How to Hire Employees: A Guide

In 2019, around 70% of companies said they had talent shortages. So if you own a business, or are responsible for hiring, you might have been feeling this pain too.

So what can you do to find the right workers, and quickly too?

Here’s a short guide on how to hire employees to help you out.

Always Do Your Research First

We can’t emphasize just how important it is to always do your research when hiring employees. Even if you’ve hired for that position 10 times before, you never know if things have changed in the industry since the last time you hired.

You’ll want to check out what your competitors are paying, if they’re also hiring (if so, for how many positions?), and more. Based on this research, you can then put together a job listing that’s more attractive to talent than theirs are.

Sort Out Paperwork for All New Hires

You need to have all paperwork and processes figured out before you start looking for new employees. Things you should take care of include:

  • W-4 and I-9 forms
  • Noncompete agreements
  • Employee handbooks
  • Acknowledgment forms
  • Direct deposit forms

For more information on business operations, such as payroll, Your FundingTree tips are great to start off with.

Know Where to Look

Once you know how you want to put together your job listing and have sorted out the paperwork, the next thing to tackle is where to put it.

You can have your employees help get the word out by having them turn to their own networks. This is great for finding new employees, as they can personally attest to how great it is to have you as an employer. Having a referral bonus can be highly appealing and motivating, so consider having one.

You can either hire outside recruiters or you can have your own HR department take care of hiring. Try posting your job on sites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor. You can even be proactive and headhunt people on sites like LinkedIn.

Don’t Settle

If you’re getting a bunch of applications where the candidates just aren’t right, never settle. Instead, take another look at your job description and see if you can tweak it for better results.

Settling for next-best might save you time right now, but it’ll cost you more in both time and money in the long run when you have to let go of the worker and find someone to replace them.

Conduct Several Interviews if Needed

Many employers conduct several rounds of interviews, and you should too. A candidate may be having a bad or off day, so you want to be 100% sure before eliminating them from the hiring pool or extending an offer to them.

Typically, you’d hold 2 interviews. It’s also a good idea to involve the team that’s directly involved, as they’ll be the ones working with the new talent, after all.

Know How to Hire Employees Successfully

Now you have a better idea of how to hire employees successfully. Hopefully, with our expert tips, you’ll be able to solve your talent shortage in a quick and efficient manner. Good luck!

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