
The Ultimate Guide to How a Water Production Line Works

Everyone has been there. You go to drink some water, and it just tastes bad. Maybe there’s a problem with your water, or maybe you just need to find water that tastes better.

Whether you drink bottled water, filtered water, or water straight from the tap, you may be thinking of switching to bottled water or switching brands. Keep reading to learn all about how water production works so you can get the best water for you.

The Water Cycle

Most of the water that you drink originally starts off in the ocean. The oceans make up more than 70% of the Earth’s surface and extend deeper than the tallest mountains are high. But you can’t just drink ocean water.

In addition to the high salt content of ocean water that makes it unsafe to drink, there are hundreds of thousands of bacteria and viruses that call the ocean their home.

The first step to making ocean water safe to drink is a natural process called the water cycle. The sun causes water from the oceans to evaporate. This leaves behind all of the solid particles like salts to produce pure water vapor.

Once enough water vapor collects in the atmosphere, it condenses into clouds. When the clouds become heavy enough, their water can no longer be supported by the atmosphere, and it rains down onto the Earth as precipitation.

This water collects in rivers and streams until some of it flows back into the oceans. However, some of it becomes trapped underground where it becomes part of the water table.

This is where most of the water you drink comes from.

Clean Water Production

Even though almost all of the salt is left behind in the ocean, the water that makes it underground still has many impurities that make it unsafe to drink. A crucial part of any water production line is the treatment of these impurities.

Most bottled water products come from wells or springs. While some of them are safe to drink, others are not. For this reason, the water industry must closely maintain the quality of the water it produces.

Water from the ground contains many minerals and chemicals from the soil that either make the water unsafe or bad-tasting. The first step in many water filling lines is aeration.

Aeration removes any dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide from the water. The water then passes through several filters to remove solid particles and unwanted minerals.

The next step in the bottled water production line is disinfection. There are several methods of disinfection including chlorination and ultraviolet light treatments. This kills any bacteria and viruses that were not filtered out.

Now that the water is safe to drink, it is ready to be bottled and shipped out to grocery stores.

Next Steps

Now that you know all about how water production works, feel free to do some research on your own for more information.

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